“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it everyday.”
\nHenri J.M. Nouwen, Dutch Priest, professor and writer<\/p>\n
Honoring the Moments. <\/strong> Embracing the Full Life.<\/strong> As our family moves forward into a new year, I reflect on and celebrate all the blessing of 2014. A year brimming over with God’s goodness. This year stretched me in new ways, bringing with it new friendships as well as wonderful times spent with good friends and family. <\/p>\n My days are busy as a wife, homeschool mom, and part time pediatric oncology nurse. I am tired most of the time although my heart is full and I am grateful for the life God has given me. During the week, I love learning and grow along side my four children. On the weekends when I work, my patients give me so much more than I could ever give in return. Both my children and my patients continue to teach me that joy is found in the most unlikely places and that life is precious and moments are fleeting. <\/p>\n Highlights in 2014 included a new job for Robert in May and the completion of our adoption dossier<\/a> in December. Our family is also head over heals in love with our newest addition, a short-haired tabby cat named Cinnamon. We adopted her the weekend before Christmas from ARF. She is very sweet and easy-going even with three energetic boys. God continues to provide in amazing ways for our family. My love and faith in Him has grown in leaps and bounds.<\/p>\n Thank you for joining our family on our adoption journey. We are so grateful for your faithful prayers, encouraging words and generous support. <\/p>\n
\nThere is beauty and wonder in the moments. Even in the ordinary, mundane, messy, scattered and broken days. There are slivers of grace to be found. Fragments of joy yet to be discovered. I will honor my moments by remaining present, my heart wide awake to all that God has for me.<\/p>\n
\nToday I choose to fully embrace the life that Jesus offers in abundance. In Him my cup overflows and surly goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life. (Psalm 23: 5-6)