“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.”
-Emily Dickinson
Late Fall of 2015, I began a blog series called, I Will Sing. I was weary and tired, restless in the waiting to be match with our daughter. At that point, we had already waited a year since being registered with Bulgaria and two years since beginning our paperwork process. Little did we know, we were only half way through our wait.
Yet even then, God was moving, weaving together our lives with our daughter Hope’s. In fine, intricate ways, He was creating unbreakable bonds of love within the very fibers of hearts. God is a God who delights in the details of our lives. I look back on our journey and I can see clearly how he so tenderly and personally loves each of us in the details.
I began the I Will Sing series because I need to be reminded that God is faithful and He saw me in my waiting. That I was not forgotten in such a dry and thirsty land. That He delighted over me, surrounding me in song. I also needed the reminder that He saw and sang over our daughter in her waiting.
Little did I know that when I began this series, God was at work on the other side of this great big world. Hope’s life had begun, tucked deep in her first mother’s womb, her tiny heart beginning to beat strong. God saw her and he delighted in the details as He fearfully and wonderfully made her. His song always surrounding her.
0n April 13, 2017, I wrote another post entitled, Finding Her Song. I was in a season of healing from my own past wounds, beginning to find my own heart song. I also felt God gently reassuring me that He was still surrounding our daughter in song. Songs of hope, healing and new life. Little did I know, a year later, almost to the day, I would first lay eyes on one brown eyed beauty, handpicked by God. Propelling our family into a new chapter, preparing to make this precious one our own. Journeying across continents and an ocean, two times over, to bring our daughter home.
I’ve shared in recent posts how much Hope loves music. It has become a soothing balm that calms her when she is upset and overwhelmed. It has also become a catalyst for her and I to connect and bond as mother and daughter. When I sing to her she looks me in the eyes, smiles, relaxing into my arms. I believe it is because song is the language of love God has used since the very beginning of her life.
God continues to delight in the details and just a couple weeks ago, He fulfilled yet another desire that I’ve had for a few years. This desire has been for our oldest daughter although I’m pretty certain it is also for our youngest. We have graciously been gifted a beautiful, old, dignified piano that now graces our front room. Filling our home with mostly delightful yet sometimes loud, pitter pattering of piano keys, music-making, song.
In this season of new beginnings and added challenges, God is reminding me that He still see’s me. That He is my strength and my song, even when I feel I am falling short and will never measure up. He continues to provide in the big and small details of each day. Delighting in, singing over, surrounding us with His love song.
Can you hear Him singing over you?
Listen closely, He is singing your song.
A song of hope,
of love,
of belonging,
surrounding you.
Perching in your soul, singing a unique tune that never stops at all.
“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.”
Psalm 32:7 NIV
“The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.””
Zephaniah 3:17 NKJV
“By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.”
Psalm 42:8 NIV
I Will Sing: You Say
Part of the I Will Sing series.
I wanted to share one of mine and Hope’s new favorites. We play it on repeat, singing and dancing along. May it speak to your heart today as it has ours.
Our faithful God is filling my life with testimonies of the little things he does which amalgamate into a big picture of his loving care. Yours is one of them…thanks for posting.
Thank you Fran for your words, your heart, your insight. I’m grateful to share in the joy of His faithfulness with good friends, like you.