For both my husband and I there has been a constant stirring of the heart for a few years now without a clear idea of what we were to do about the desires we had. They were vague at best. We both felt pulled towards orphans and Eastern Europe and felt we wanted to serve in some capacity in helping with this great need. I also had another desire and hope for our family that my husband did not. I prayed for more than a year and a half that God would change my husband’s heart or take the desire away. Little did we both know that God would change my husband’s heart and redirect my focus. Our hearts again being of one accord and beating for the same desire. At times this desire brings a deep sense of peace and hope although at other times we feel like a heavy weight or burden is on our hearts and it is growing by the day. With this, we are compelled to RESPOND and stirred to LEAP.
More to come…
In love and grace,
[Photo credit: Photo Steve]
Have to say that praying is a beautiful thing and scary if the heart is open to the words spoken. Bring it battle buddy.
To me this is where the rubber hits the road for marriage. Because how else can two separate hearts beat as one without the mystic help of the Holy Spirit? And that language is through prayers. But I have to say I feel at a deficit in this area as I either feel my desires must not line up with the Father’s Will or I am not saying my prayers adequately (viewing them as some incantation to manifest right actions). I say this more out of frustration than an answer, but it is encouraging to hear this has produced tangible fruit. Good word.
I can tell you that I am no prayer warrior. I believe that being in God’s Will is as simple as turning towards Jesus and seeking after His heart. We need not do anything. He wants us to abide in Him. More than anything he wants us to know that He loves us. He loves us and He is for us. His Grace is sufficient. May we each lean into this Grace.