Family Update: Part One
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.”
Psalm 32:7 NIV
We have been in the waiting process for over eight months now. Bulgaria’s average wait time from registration to referral (matching a child with a family) is fourteen months. This time frame is based on the medium wait time for all Bulgarian adoption’s that our adoption agency has completed since 2011. Fourteen months puts us at March 13, 2016. Less than six months from today. In less time than a full term pregnancy, we may finally have the honor of holding our daughter for the first time. To finally have her near to us. To take in her sweet, beautiful face. To feel the cadence of her breathe, her heart beat. Robert and I long for this moment.
Our wait could be more or less. Even so, it puts things into greater perspective. As the gap begins to close on our wait, both Robert and I are sensing an ever-increasing urgency to pray for our daughter without ceasing. Our hearts stirring and breaking for her. Thoughts and prayers, interwoven into our sometimes restless days and sleepless nights.
It is hard to put the emotions that one experiences through the adoption process into words. It is amazing and overwhelming. Filled with beauty, joy, hope, stress, brokenness and fear of all the unknowns. I am grateful to be on this journey and I couldn’t ask for a better husband to have with me through it all. We have grown stronger as individuals, as a couple and as a family in many ways.
Even more so, it has brought us closer to Jesus. He is our peace and our strength. He is holding us, He is holding her and he is holding all things together. Jesus is bridging the gap, bringing wholeness to that which has been broken.
We feel hard pressed at times, shaken to our core. The adoption process is a war against the evil one. A battle for the very soul and future of one of God’s precious, dearly loved children. God’s word, His promises are the only thing that keeps us persevering and pressing on. God is leading us, He is paving the way. He is our Defender and our Redeemer. He has already won the battle, proclaimed His Victory!
We are grateful for all who continue to support us on our journey. For all your excitement, your loving words and most of all your prayers. We ask that you would each partner with our family as we stand in the gap. Let us pray without ceasing. Join us in praying our daughter home. In the last months of our wait, our soon to be daughter and family need prayer more than ever.
Our prayer needs:
- – For peace and continued hope in the waiting for each person in our family.
- – For protection from the enemy’s lies and attacks. That God’s Truth and Light will shine brighter.
- – For protection and provisions for our soon to be daughter.
- – For wisdom and decrement for all persons involved in the adoption process.
- – For Robert and I to continue to fully trust that God is providing for all the details, knitting our family together. Remembering that with His help we will reach every last financial need concerning our adoption.
Lord, I pray that our daughter’s chains will be broken. You have created her for Your Glory, fearfully and wonderfully made. You have called her by name. She is Yours. No longer will she be called “orphan”.
I cry out for Freedom! I claim Your Truth and Your Victory over her life, over her future!
In your perfect time, bring her home to us. Give us peace and renew our hope daily as we wait for you. You are bridging the gap. You are her hiding place, her protector and you surround her with songs of deliverance.
In your mighty name I pray, Amen.
We have escaped like a bird from the fowler’s snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped.”
Psalm 124:7 NIV
[Photo Credit: Godsgirl]
My prayers are with you as you wait! Waiting is the hardest thing!
Rev. 21:4 offers great comfort to those in the pain of waiting. It tells us that no matter how difficult our circumstances become, there will be a day that is worth hoping for: “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
In Romans 8:18, Paul brings an eternal perspective to our difficulties when he writes, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
Our hope is in those promises of glory!
Love this friend…thank you for your beautiful heart
Dear Heather, Robert, and 4 children,
Thanks for this update. I am so excited for you, and hear the concern and love in your heart for your little chosen one. May you and your family continue to trust and hope in Him, the Only One who is worthy of all praise!