It had been a long morning, the tail end of a busy week. The sun streamed bright through our french doors on this February afternoon. Though there was a crisp chill in the air, the light was radiant, the glass warm, inviting. I pressed my face into the glass, closed my eyes, letting the warmth soaked in deep, soothing my weary heart. The tension of the day, melting.
In that moment, I felt as if I were leaning, pressing in close to the God who comforts. His embrace warm, life-giving, only love. He, the only home I know that has never failed to shelter and comfort me from this weary, broken world.
I thank God for the home He has given our family. A tangible reminder of His protection, provision, care. A safe place to find rest, restoration, in a life that can easily deplete me. The pace of our culture too hectic and hurried. At times, filled with unrelenting heartbreak, loss, sorrow.
Being ever aware of this, I desire for our home to be a place where one can find refreshment. A home where God is unmistakably the center. A place of safety where one can enter into His peace and feel the warmth of His love, like a warm blanket, wrapped snug.
Easily my vision for our home can become blurred. I begin to doubt my abilities and I am left feeling ill equipped. Our home at times, feeling far from peaceful, far from renewing. With each night leaving me feeling achy, raw, restless.
One may think this is the result of having a full home, bustling with the energy of four children under nine. How could I not be left ragged, weary? Our home is loud and chaotic at times, like all families.
Even so, I know deep down this is not the source of this undercurrent that can easily pull me down. The true reason lies most in the condition of my own heart. When I have neglected to lean into Him. When I have not taken the time to rest in Him, my true source of renewal and strength.
When I press into Him, my world rights itself, my center of gravity restored. I believe that when He is my center, than and only than, can our home become a sanctuary, a place of peace. Where His unconditional love and grace reside.
I am learning to press into God more. Allowing Him to change me. Filling my voids. Healing my brokenness. Finding my identity and purpose in Him and Him alone.
My desire is to be His sweet aroma, an illuminating light, to my family, to those who enter our home, to our neighborhood.
Lord Jesus, I press in.
You are my strength, my joy.
Flood into my heart, into our home.
You are welcome here.
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In the next few weeks, I will be welcoming in and sharing this writing space with three extraordinary women. They each have blessed our family and home with the sweet aroma of their presence and life-giving words.
I invite you to join me and I pray that your heart and home will be equally blessed.
I have also included a printable that Robert and I created for a post last February.
A special gift from our family to yours.
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Our most recent news on the adoption front is that we are officially waiting! We found out mid-February that we have been in the waiting process with Bulgaria since January 13th! God is at work in our waiting and I look forward to sharing more in my coming posts.
To God be the Glory!
The confirmation email from our adoption agency:
Words of wisdom in this blog post! Thank you!
When our sisters open their hearts and share their lives, the heartbreak can feel heavy. We can’t bear it, but our Savior can. He is Alpha and Omega. Be prepared to share! The Body of Christ needs to hear where the source of hope is to be found.