“Because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us
from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the path of peace.”
Luke 1:78-79 NIV
God first called our family to begin the adoption journey in the Autumn of 2013. Now more than three years later, our family continues to wait for this calling to come to fruition. After such a long wait, I can easily become anxious and begin to wonder if our waiting will ever come to an end. Often darkness clouds my vision and panic sets in. Where is the light at the end of this long tunnel?
Before Jesus’ birth, I am sure many wondered when and if the Messiah would come. Thousands of years and many generations came and went. Four hundred years of silence separated the last Old Testament prophecies from the birth of Jesus. I am sure God’s people asked hard questions in the silent waiting? Where was God? Had He forgotten His people?
Yet God was at work in the long, silent waiting. He had a plan set in place from the beginning. His beautiful redemption story was continuing to unfurl. In His perfect timing, in the least expected yet most extraordinary way, he sent His Son, Jesus.
Oh, happy day!
Emmanuel, God with us. We need not be afraid nor anxious. He is the light that guides us through our dark tunnels. Our struggles and strongholds, unmet longings and open-ended waiting, our loneliness and heartbreak, He is with us through it all. In Him, there is no darkness, only light. He is our path to perfect peace.
Jesus is with us on our adoption journey. He is our light. He goes before us and He guides us through the uncertain darkness. The way is long and the silence is wearing yet God is at work in our waiting. He is doing immeasurably more than we can imagine. He has a beautiful redemption story slowly unfurling before our eyes. In His perfect timing, and I am sure in the least expected yet most extraordinary way, our waiting will come to an end. Our daughter will come home.
Oh, what a happy day this will be!
For now, as our family navigates through the uncertain waiting, I will keep pushing back the darkness, pressing onward. Step by step, following the path of His perfect peace. Light breaking through, I see. His redeeming beauty is unfurling all around us.
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