““Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-19
There has been many times in our long wait that God has felt silent yet now I can see more clearly that He has never been still. He has been at work in every last detail. Making a way for His precious child, His beloved daughter to have a new life and a family. I am humbled and my heart is so grateful that I can bear witness and participate in His plan to rescue, redeem and restore. Bringing forth beauty from ashes.
Please join us in prayer today as we send off our 33 pages of Immigration paperwork (I-800 form). The approval of this document sets in motion our court hearing in Bulgaria. The sooner the court hears our case, the sooner we can bring our daughter home.
Lord, we see your fingerprints of faithfulness all through out our adoption journey. You are doing something new! Continue to break down every last obstacle, making a clear path to bring Hope home as soon as possible.
To God be the Glory, forever, amen.
Congratulations! So happy to hear your news about this precious new daughter! You stayed faithful for all this time and God has been faithful to you! I’ll be praying for all future arrangements and your family.
I love the name of your new daughter: Hope. It’s so appropriate and telling! 🙂