I am a perfectionist who is slowly getting used to the mess.
To letting the dust settle and the sticky messes reside.
Allowing the noise and chaos to live here because it means joy has come to stay.
The laundry keeps piling up and the floor needs to be mopped. I can’t keep it all in order anymore.
Everything in its place and everything has its place. No, this is not my life anymore. It is only a delusion.
God is moving in our home. He is loving me in my mess. Reordering my imperfect heart. What I thought were my priorities.
The truth is, we are all one big mess in need of a God who loves perfectly.
We can stop giving into the delusion. Stop trying to make it all picture perfect.
Let go, give it all up to Him. He is more than capable of bearing all our junk.
It is then that the burden is lifted. We are free. Free to live with, love in, allow grace to reside in our perfectly messy lives.
This post is part of Five Minute Friday series. I get the one word prompts from Lisa Jo-Baker on Friday. The rules are simple. Write for five minutes flat. There is no extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. It is unscripted. Unedited. Real.
Today’s prompt was: Mess
Yes, it IS God who brings the order, isn’t it? We try to do it ourselves. *sigh* Good reminder!
Yes, we are all one big mess in need of God! So very true!