This weekend my husband was out mowing our front yard. My youngest son, now six and growing like a weed came running to me crying in a panic.
“Mommy, Daddy is killing all the ladybugs!”
He was beside himself. I tried my best to remain serious and to confidently reassure him that it will be okay.
“Buddy, God made ladybugs smart. They will hear the lawnmower and they will fly to safety.”
He hugged me and His body relaxed into mine. Even still, he then preceded to peer out the window, watching with a protective eye. His love fierce for “his” ladybugs.
Our family began praying Ladybug Prayers more than two years ago, first prompted by our youngest. Every time we spotted a ladybug he would remind us to pray for sister in Bulgaria. This sweet tradition still lives on strong in our home today. The ladybug has become a symbol of hope and love as we continue to eagerly await our littlest one.
God has a keen sense of humor and He loves to make us smile. Ladybugs show up in the most random places in our home. On the windowsill while I’m washing dishes, in the bathtub before taking a shower, everywhere in our yard and by the thousands at our favorite neighborhood park. Not only in the spring but at all times of the year. These are just a handful of examples of how God continues to reassure us of His love and build our faith in this time of waiting. Giving us hope for tomorrow, strength and courage for all that He has for us today.
Adoption Update:
We have experienced God’s goodness and can testify to His faithfulness every step of the way. This path has not been easy, the journey long and the valleys low and full of uncertainty. Even so, we know Him to be sovereign, His timing perfect. We trust that He has our girl. The one special someone whom He has planned for our family since the beginning of time. We believe that the wait has been longer than anticipated because for whatever reason our daughter is not ready yet. This time has not been wasted. He is preparing her heart as He continues to prepare ours.
This journey has changed us. Personally, God has taught me the depths of His sustaining grace and unfathomable love. I have experienced His healing touch and continual restoration in ways that I could not have known otherwise. He has taught my heart the true meaning of hope. A hope that is rooted in the redemptive power of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He is bringing forth life from death, beauty from brokenness. He is at work, making all things new. I have come to understand more fully the small yet significant part I play in the unfolding of His story.
In our marriage and as family we have grown closer, our bonds stronger. We have witnessed our children maturing in years and in stature as well as in love and strength of character. I am amazed at how God has moved in and through our lives in the past four years of waiting. We long for our little girl yet we are grateful for this time of waiting under His wings of love. We are better for it.
This last week we sent our annual dossier update off to Bulgaria. A huge burden feels like it has been lifted from our shoulders. After completing a few important revisions, we remain hopeful that this will be our year. We ask that you would keep our family in your prayers.
Just as ladybugs remind our family to remain persistent and hopeful in prayer, we have created a sweet reminder for all of you. A Ladybug Prayers printable. Our hope is that you will place this printable in a prominent location and pray for our family’s needs as you feel lead. We need a village on this journey and you are each an invaluable part of our village. We are ever grateful for your continued love, support and prayers.
Download a 5×7 JPG to print
Download a PDF to print at home
I am grateful that moonbeam was able to find some ladybugs in the yard afterwards 🙂 I am also grateful that he gets the fierce protector from you.
Lord grant us peace from discouragement while we wait. Help our hearts to believe the words that we say of ‘trusting in your timing’. Amen.