Joy is hot coffee in the morning.
Joy is sunny yellow boots on a rainy day.
Joy is time spent with one silly great uncle as well as extended family and old friends.
Joy is celebrating advent together.
Joy is Saturday morning donuts with dad.
Joy is making music together.
Joy is fresh baked cookies.
Joy is a family road trip to Bass Lake.
Joy is rainbow lights on the Christmas tree.
Joy is love at first sight.
As we celebrate the holidays and prepare for Jesus’ birth our family has embraced joy. Even so, there has been plenty of messes to contend with both external and of the heart.
Isn’t this what family is all about?
Nevertheless, I am ever mindful that God’s unending grace and His never failing love are more than enough for me and my family. Even on our messiest days.
During the holidays, I encourage you to lean hard into joy, even when it is messy in nature.
* * * * * * *
In case you have missed it, we have setup an Adopt Together profile, their mission is to help provide a way to give a financial gift to an adopting family and receive a tax write off.
During the month of December, any Adopt Together donation will qualify for a chance to receive a beautiful handcrafted, “Cradle to the Cross” candle holder that journeys through both Advent and Lent. We will also included Ann Voskamp’s newest book, an advent devotional entitled, Unwrapping the Greatest Gift: A Family Celebration of Christmas.
We hope you will Give Today to bring us financially closer.
We will draw one donor’s name on the night of December 31st
We are ever grateful for your continued support, encouraging words and many prayers. Thank you for joining us on this amazing journey.
I LOVE these pictures. I can see the messy just behind them, it is true that joy is in the messy. I have always struggled with people’s words when they say things like, “your girls are wild,” but recently I have come to a new mind set…”I LIKE the WILD!” There is joy & laughter there. Sure not when I’m tired & in the grocery store, but take that away & you lose the other unexpected wild moments that make you laugh & burst into tickle fights or whatever else. ❤️
Life is in this messy joy. Love is in this messy joy. Many say to me, “You must have your hands full”. Oh, but my heart is even fuller.
Even when the tension seems too great, it is so worth it. Lean in and even chase after the joy!