As Robert and I traveled east from Sofia, Bulgaria towards the Black Sea, we were in awe of the natural beauty of our daughter’s birth country, each mile more picturesque. The majestic Balkan mountain range on one side and quant villages and fields of green dotted with gold canola flowers and red poppies, stretching as far as the eye could see to the other. A slice of heaven on earth.
We were left wonder stuck at the sheer size of the sky, brilliant hues of blue with enormous pure white fluffy clouds. Just miles outside our daughter’s birth city and place of residence, a cluster of massive clouds opened up and streams of light filtered down, guiding us forward. God was speaking straight to my heart, reminding me of His faithfulness. His presence going before us and remaining with us.
A little more than a year ago, God gave me our daughter’s name. Coming in a vision of our family walking on a path, a strong and clear light on the horizon, directing us onward. This vision of hope infused me with strength in the last year of our long wait. Just praying for Hope by name gave me the endurance to keep going and the faith to keep believing in this call on our life, even on the darkest of days.
As we spent a few precious hours each day with Hope during our time at her orphanage, God continued to reveal His continuous presence. Evidence of His fingerprints of faithfulness all throughout our daughter’s life. Robert and I were brought to tears many times during our visit, witnessing firsthand answered prayers and desires for our daughter. His love holding, caring for and covering Hope.
Each day as we would say our goodbyes for the night, I would whisper in Hope’s ear, “Hope, Mommy loves you. Mommy will always come back. We will bring you home soon.” Our last visit before heading back to Sofia was so very hard. I said the same words to her yet I felt as if I were abandoning my daughter. I prayed that somewhere deep in her being she would know that we are her home. That our love spoke clearer than our foreign words could convey.
As we drove west, each mile taking us further and further from our daughter, again God spoke to my heart through the wonder of His creation. This time the sky was looming with dark grey rain-filled clouds. The sky a reflection of the deep sadness I felt inside. Yet just beyond the dark clouds a bright yellow light was creating a halo around the clouds. A hole in one cloud revealed the brilliant sun, it’s strong light streaming through.
Yes, we were leaving our daughter, each mile taking us further away. Yet one thing remained, Hope was not alone and she will never be abandoned. God is with her and He is faithful. No matter what, this will never change. His presence will be her constant cover. His love, her forever home.
Lord Jesus, in the uncertainty, be my constant light of hope. Directing me onward, leading me home. Let me be an agent of your hope and your healing. A safe and gracious place to land for the weary and the broken, the outcast and the foreigner, the lost and the forgotten. Let your love speak clearer than my words can convey, pointing others to you, Jesus, our one true hope, our forever home.
Adoption Update and Prayer Needs:
Our immigration approval (I-800) as well as all paperwork needed for court is on it’s way to Bulgaria! Our paperwork will be prepared for court and by the beginning of July we should hear news on a court date.
Our prayer is that we will have a court date in July because the Bulgarian court is closed in August. As long as we have a court date in July than we can possibly travel in August to bring Hope home.
Hope’s second birthday is at the end of June. It’s going to be a bittersweet milestone. Pray for our heart’s in this last stretch of waiting.
To honor Hope’s birthday and to bring her one step closer to coming home, we are planning a birthday party fundraiser. We will send out an official invite and more details very soon. You have each played an important role in our adoption journey and we hope you will join us to celebrate!!
Please pray that all details will fall in place. That we will continue to fully trust God in the big, seemly impossible details as well as the small. To God be the Glory, forever, Amen!
I can’t wait for the birthday party fundraiser! Your journey has been inspiring! Love, Diane
Thank you for a beautiful post. I have loved getting to share in this journey with you. Thank you for being brave to share your heart with the rest of us!