See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19 NIV
Robert and I have been praying that God would begin to create heart connections for each of our children with their soon to be sister. Ways to help them in deeply connecting with and fully accepting her as their own.
Since praying this prayer we have begun to see God at work in each of our children’s hearts in remarkable ways. In our home we refer to her as simply, “sister”. She has no face or name as of yet although she holds a very tender, sweet place in our family.
Our oldest daughter has recently started keeping a small box labeled, “Presents for Sister”. In this box are a collection of homemade crafts and personal treasures that she wants to give to her sister. She is making bracelets for a fundraiser and putting aside her own items to sell in a yard sale.
Our seven year old son has plans to build things out of cardboard and sell them to raise money for our adoption. His prayer each night is, “Lord, thank you for taking care of sister in Bulgaria.”
Our five year old son informs our family at unprompted times what sister is doing in Bulgaria. He knows there is a ten hour time difference. He lets us know that sister is waking up when we are getting ready for bed. She might be putting on her pj’s when we are eating our breakfast. Recently while we were out one evening, him and I were walking hand in hand. With great pride in his voice, he told me, “I will help to hold sister’s hand when we are out so that she feels safe and cozy.”
Our three year old son wants to share his room and stuffed animals with sister. He asked me just this week, in his broken three year old words, “When our sister come home? It taking forever.” I smiled at his sweet words but my heart wanted to cry. I find myself asking the same question often.
Together my children talk with great excitement about all the hugs they are going to give sister when they first meet her. We also have a buddy system in our home where the older two siblings have a younger “buddy”. They help watch out for their “buddy” while we are out and care for them in small ways at home. All four have decided together that they will share the role as sister’s buddy. “Mommy, sister will need extra care and love. We will all be her buddy.”, my oldest son declared with confidence and they all four agreed in unison.
I can’t help but be in awe in these moments. Their hearts are so open and willing. Their love for her pure and generous. This encourages my heart and eases my fears. God is preparing a way through the unknown. He will continue to restore our strength as we wait on Him. He will provide the much needed rain to quench our daughter’s thirsty heart. Her four eager siblings are bubbling over to shower her with love and embrace her as their own. They will each play a unique, significant role in her story of healing and redemption.
Lord, give me eyes to see you. To perceive the many ways that you are at work. Continue to prepare our hearts. Renew our strength daily. Teach us how to love one another better in this time of waiting. Give both Robert and I the insight on how to best nurture this tender, new love in our children’s hearts for their soon to be sister.
Soften her dry, parched heart. Restore her ability to receive this great outpouring of love. This love that only comes from you. A never ending spring of living water. You are making a way, forging new streams for your love to flow.
In Jesus’ wondrous name, I pray, Amen.
I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:13-14 NIV
I want to conclude by sharing this beautiful song with you. It is entitled, “All of Me”, by Matt Hammitt. This song speaks of breaking through fear and loving generously. Holding nothing back, regardless of the cost.
I feel God prompting me to share a verse he has placed on my heart lately. I must confess, I want to hold for myself, but that is Satan’s lies that the verse is not equally for me, as it is for you. I am praying big prayers right along with you, as I feel the time growing longer, knowing how anxious my own heart would be. This journey God has you on is beautiful, as know you see, dispite the pain and struggle of waiting. Here’s my verse, now to be claimed as yours (if you haven’t already): Ps. 33:20-22 Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in Him, Because we have trusted in His holy name. let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, Just as we hope in You. (NKJV).
We’re depending on God; He’s everything we need. what’s more, our hearts brim with joy since we’ve taken for our own His holy name. Love us, God, with all you’ve got – that’s what we’re depending on. (MSG)
This morning I read a blog that brought me again back to this verse (especially the MSG paraphrase). The gal wrote in regards to God’s grace: All we need to do is bask in the love of Christ and reflect it back to others.
Keep sitting & drawing your family toward God’s love and it will pour out of you all into your little girl. God keeps speaking to my heart that in the struggle, in the waiting He is there. You won’t be alone in this calling. He is leading & guiding, rest in Him. Hugs!
Thank you Lisa for sharing this verse with me. It is beautiful. His love is enough. His faithfulness, it is new every morning. I see His hand so clearly leading us and I am thankful for this. I am also grateful for you and our family and friends who are with us through the journey. We will celebrate together all the God has done and will continue to do as we put our trust in His unfailing love!