On this journey to bring our daughter home, God has taught me on an even deeper level how reckless His love is for each of His children. The lengths He will go, the mountains He will climb, the walls He will kick down, leaving the ninety-nine, for one. For you, for me, for my daughter, Hope.
We don’t deserve it yet He gives Himself away. He chases after us, fights for us, pays the price for us. Before we spoke a single word, He was singing over us. Before we took a breath, He breathed His life in us.
Lord Jesus, To think you have sung over Hope since the very beginning. You gave breath to her frail tiny lungs and spoke life over her then as you do now. You have given Hope a home, claimed her as your own. Chosen her, moving mountains on her behalf and on ours.
Though I do not deserve it, you have given my wondering heart a home. I am your one out of ninety-nine. You left your fold to chase after me. I am yours. Fully known, wholly embraced, recklessly loved.
This post was inspired by this song.
Adoption Update:
Today, July 6, 2018 after many years of waiting, God has graciously answered our prayers. Today the adoption for our daughter Hope has gone into effect!!
We had our court date in Bulgaria where we were represented by our Bulgarian adoption agency on Friday, June 29th and after a seven day waiting period the adoption is now effective. If you remember, we prayed for a July court date, another amazing answer to prayer!
The next step is to wait for the declaration of Hope’s adoption to be created, processed and translated. This can take up to a month. After this Hope’s new birth certificate will be made. Once she has a birth certificate than a Visa appointment can be scheduled. We will then get the green light to buy our plane tickets!
We should have tentative travel dates in the next week or two. We’ve been told to anticipate traveling as soon as late July or early August! Our agency is very impressed on how quickly things are moving for us. The average wait between trips in usually 3-6 months. Our wait, God willing, will be closer to 2 1/2 months.
Thank you, Lord!
We also had such a wonderful time at Hope’s birthday fundraiser this last weekend. We felt surrounded and supported by so many friends and family members. It was amazing to celebrate God’s faithfulness with so many who have encouraged and prayed for us through our adoption journey.
All together we raised almost $1500!! This brings us much closer to meeting our financial goal which will be used to cover all our travel expenses for Robert and I and for Hope’s return flight. As well as post adoption visits and other adoption related expenses. (Visit here to learn more about our financial goal and expenses.)
If you missed the big day, please know that you were missed and we hope to share more about our trip to meet Hope with you soon.
We can’t do this alone. Not now and not in the years to come. We need a village to adopt. You are our village, each playing a significant role in our adoption journey. If you feel a heart tug to partner with us in reaching our financial goals you can donate here.
We also need your prayers. Please pray that this next phase of waiting for Hope’s adoption deceleration and birth certificate will go smoothly and as quick as possible.
Pray for Hope’s heart as she continues to wait for her family. Pray for His provisions and protection over her and over our entire family. Pray for His peace as we continue to prepare our home and hearts for Hope’s homecoming.
Our hearts are so full. Grateful to all who have linked arms and hearts with our family to help bring our daughter, Hope home. We thank each and every person who has supported us through prayer, encouragement and financial support this last weekend and through the years of waiting. Thank you so much! We are ever grateful.
To God be the Glory, Forever, Amen.