“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”
Proverbs 31:25 NLT
Grab a cup of coffee or tea, find a comfy seat and stay a while. My hope and prayer is that you will find grace and encouragement for your journey among the pages of my blog. That my story will in some way resonate with your own.
About Magnolia Heart
In our front yard we have a beautiful old magnolia tree. Our ranch style home was built in 1946 and I am fairly certain our magnolia was a newly planted sapling then. This means that our tree is approximately 70 years old today.
Magnolia means dignified and our tree has a stately presence that grace’s our home. The branches strong yet somewhat crocked. An evergreen and thus drops leaves all year long, leaving a mess year round. Even so, this tree provides amazing shade. The blooms in Spring are breathtaking, like graceful white doves perched on it’s branches.
In naming my blog MagnoliaHeart, my desire was reflect the vision I hold for our family’s journey and the continuous transformation within my own heart. I hope to tell the story of my intentional pursuit towards dignity in living and in loving others well.
Not that this journey will be a straight and easy path. It is certain to be one that takes many twists and turns. Branching out, crooked and imperfect. I will keep my eyes and heart fixed on Jesus, my true source of all that is good and lovely. Knowing with certainty that God’s ways are greater than my own. I will continually surrender my past regrets and my future fears. Awakening to the beauty in each moment, where joy and life are found.
About Me
My identity is found in Christ. I am broken and imperfect yet I have been redeemed, set free. I am in love with Jesus because He first loved me. He paid the high price with his own life so that I may be called a child of God.
Each day, I am leaning more and more into the grace that I have been given. Living into the truth of who I am in Christ. Running hard after God. Reaching further for more of Him. Knowing that without him, I can do nothing.
I am idealist with high goals and aspirations. I am passionate about many things. I have the ability to reach hard after the future yet I struggle with staying present, waiting patiently and trusting fully in the future that God is unfolding moment by moment.
Our Family’s Journey
I married my best friend in January of 2003. The one who shares my dreams and vision. We balance one another out. I push him to dream big, he pulls my head out of the clouds and steadies me.
Three days before we celebrated our third wedding anniversary, we welcomed our first child, our daughter into the world. In the six years that followed, we were given the gift of three more children, our boys.
Our home full, our life busting at the seams yet our hearts had room for more. Our hearts yearned for more. From a mere spark, a tiny flicker of a daydream, God began to stir a deep desire, a fire, in my husband and I. It was time to pursue this dream and begin the journey God so clearly called us to.
At the tail end of 2013, I launched MagnoliaHeart as a way to share how God was moving in our hearts and to chronicle our family’s journey. By early spring 2014, we officially began the adoption process to bring our fifth child, a daughter, home from Bulgaria.
The long season of waiting lasted over four years although this is typical for Bulgaria. During the spring of 2018 we were matched with our daughter. By late summer on August 1st, she was welcomed home by one over the moon sister and three exuberant brothers. Our youngest daughter Hope was only two and so tiny when she arrived home yet she continues to amaze us with her growth and her joy and love for life. She truly embodies her name.
My Passions
Faith and Family
I am most passionate about my faith in Jesus and my family. Being a follower of Christ, my greatest joy. Marriage and motherhood taking a close second. I believe that motherhood is one of the greatest callings and the hardest job I have ever had. Each year, I become more and more dependent on the strength and grace I find in Jesus.
Another great passion of mine is Nursing. I am a part time Registered Pediatric Oncology Nurse. This is a calling that at times carries a heavy burden for my heart. Even so, I feel honored to have the privilege to work in such a special place. One where beauty is found and joy resides. It is where I see God most and He continues to provide in every way.
I am passionate about connecting with other woman of all ages and life stages. I enjoy diversity and getting to know people of all walks of life.
My primary love language is quality time and I hate superficial small talk. I savor moments where I have the opportunity to sit with someone, one on one, connecting on a deeper level. Sharing our hearts and stories.
Time to Refuel
I am an introvert and need time alone to reflect on and process life. My daily time with God is essential to my overall well-being.
I enjoy reading, writing and photography to carve out creative space and refuel. I am often found lost in thought tending to my garden and my flock of sweet chickens. A good cup of coffee and all things dark chocolate are two favorites that I will savor during my quiet moments.
I love reading books, learning alongside my children and spending time outdoors camping as a family. I also soak up any alone time with my husband when our full life and kids allow for this.
These moments fill my heart with joy.
I believe that home should be a place that reflects God’s beauty and a family’s unique personality and vision. A space that inspires. A place of belonging and becoming. A safe haven that brings comfort and refreshment. I am passionate about making our home a place where Jesus resides within these walls. Where His presence is evident.
May this space be a extension of our home. A place where you can come as you are. Where beauty and joy are found even in the broken, messy and imperfect. A place where you feel valued, inspired, at ease and refreshed.
Thank you for visiting. You are always welcome here.
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In love and grace,